1/7/2013 0 Comments Word of the Day: FluvialFluvial \ˈflü-vē-əl\ adjective 1. of, relating to, or living in a stream or river. 2. produced by the action of a stream, "a fluvial plain." Write and Polish was inspired to the Word of the Day by a journey along the Minnesota bank of the Mississippi River, enjoying the scenic fluvial panoramas, including that shown here. It contrasted with the pastoral terrain of much of the journey from Minneapolis to Milwaukee! Though none of the Writers and Polishers took this picture (click on it to visit the website of the photographer), it very closely resembles what we enjoyed!
7/17/2012 0 Comments Word of the Day: EnnuiEnnui /ahnˈwee/noun 1. boredom; lack of interest. 2. a gripping listlessness or melancholia caused by boredom; depression. Word of the Day not only illustrates ennui well, they have selected an image that demonstrates the correct placement of apostrophes in this context! 3/26/2012 0 Comments Word of the Day: SoporificToday's Word of the Day is auto-biographical Soporific 1a : causing or tending to cause sleep b : tending to dull awareness or alertness 2 : of, relating to, or marked by sleepiness or lethargy Example: The warmth of the fireplace combined with a hearty lunch to have a soporific effect on the writer. The relevance of the illustration is that the Writers and Polishers, like many youngsters, first encountered this word in Beatrix Potter's The Tale of the Flopsy Bunnies, which if you care to, you may enjoy all over again at The Free Library, here. 2/24/2012 0 Comments Word of the Day: HalcyonHalcyon We recommend trying to work this one into conversation this weekend...the most frequent context that we encounter is in the course of a reminiscence. 11/29/2011 0 Comments Word of the Day: GaloshesWe entirely agree with this word and accompanying sentiment, Tweeted earlier today by Merriam-Webster ~ "Underused Word for a Rainy Day -'Galoshes,' a word whose actual origin is unknown, but happily sounds like stepping in puddles." It strikes us as very onomatopoeic, which should, perhaps, be a future WoTD! This is your new blog post. Click here and start typing, or drag in elements from the top bar.
Visit --> HERE <-- for a most amusing "Cliff Notes" recitation of the evolution of our language. In addition to all of its wonderful humor and elucidation, it presents the funniest new word we've learned in some time, snuffbumble! Now, to seek out opportunities to casually work that one into conversation.... 11/20/2011 0 Comments Word of the Day: Gusset10/31/2011 0 Comments Word of the Day: SimultaneitySimultaneity We encountered this new form of a known word, today. Generally, one sees the noun form of the oft-used adjective, simultaneous, expressed as "simultaneousness," though this is not universally accepted as a correct construction. Simultaneity is a synonym for it, expressing the quality of things occurring at the same time. Anyone else have any favorite examples of the curious situation created when one form of a word is common, but another version/form of it is rare? 10/19/2011 0 Comments Recognition of Fun Words and PhrasesWrite and Polish offers you the nifty phrase of the day, found in this movie review at io9.com: "wonderful steampunkery and ... supernatural brouhaha!"
That's some mighty fine use of words. (Hey, it doesn't all have to be highfalutin and fancy!) |
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